Never convert units again

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Recognized Units By Category

Angle Electromagnetic Inductance Mole
Angular Velocity/Circular Frequency Energy Power
Area/Permeability Force Pressure/Stress
Dimensionless Frequency Temperature
Electrical Capacitance Length Time
Electrical charge Magnetic Field Strength Velocity
Electrical Current Magnetic Flux Viscosity - Dynamic
Electrical Potential Magnetic Flux Density Viscosity - Kinematic
Electrical Resistance Mass Volume

  (1) Units are case sensitive (e.g., mJ isn't MJ).
  (2) Plurals of most units are recognized.
  (3) Variable names cannot match any unit name.
  (4) Customized units can be added with the DefUnit( ) command.


1 rad
    = 3437.75 arcmin
    = 3437.75 arcminute
    = 206265 arcsec
    = 206265 arcsecond
    = 57.2958 deg
    = 57.2958 degree
    = 57.2958 degrees
    = 1 rad
    = 1 radian
    = 1 radians
    = 0.159155 rev
    = 0.159155 revolution
    = 0.159155 revolutions


Angular Velocity/Circular Frequency

1 rad / s
    = 9.5493 rpm
    = 9.5493 rpms
    = 0.159155 rps



1 m^2
    = 0.000247105 acre
    = 0.000247105 acres
    = 1.01325e+012 D
    = 1.01325e+012 Darcies
    = 1.01325e+012 darcies
    = 1.01325e+012 Darcy
    = 1.01325e+012 darcy
    = 0.0001 hectare
    = 0.0001 hectares
    = 1.01325e+015 mD
    = 1.01325e+015 millidarcies
    = 1.01325e+015 millidarcy



    = 100 %
    = 100 Percent
    = 100 percent


Electrical Capacitance

1 s^2 C^2 / kg m^2
    = 1 F
    = 1 Farad
    = 1 farad
    = 1 Farads
    = 1 farads
    = 1000 mF
    = 1e+006 microfarad
    = 1e+006 microfarads
    = 1000 millifarad
    = 1000 millifarads
    = 1e+009 nanofarad
    = 1e+009 nanofarads


Electrical charge

1 C
    = 1 C
    = 1 Coulomb
    = 1 coulomb
    = 1 Coulombs
    = 1 coulombs


Electrical Current

1 C / s
    = 1 A
    = 1 Amp
    = 1 amp
    = 1 ampere
    = 1 amperes
    = 1 Amps
    = 1 amps
    = 1000 mA
    = 1e+006 microamp
    = 1e+006 microamps
    = 1000 milliamp
    = 1000 milliamps


Electrical Potential

1 kg m^2 / s^2 C
    = 1e+006 microvolt
    = 1e+006 microvolts
    = 1000 millivolt
    = 1000 millivolts
    = 1000 mV
    = 1 V
    = 1 Volt
    = 1 volt
    = 1 Volts
    = 1 volts


Electrical Resistance

1 kg m^2 / s C^2
    = 1 Ohm
    = 1 ohm
    = 1 Ohms
    = 1 ohms


Electromagnetic Inductance

1 kg m^2 / C^2
    = 1 H
    = 1 Henries
    = 1 henries
    = 1 Henry
    = 1 henry



1 kg m^2 / s^2
    = 0.000947817 BritishThermalUnit
    = 0.000947817 BritishThermalUnits
    = 0.000947817 BTU
    = 0.000947817 Btu
    = 0.000947817 btu
    = 0.000947817 Btus
    = 0.000947817 btus
    = 0.238846 cal
    = 0.238846 Calorie
    = 0.238846 calorie
    = 0.238846 Calories
    = 0.238846 calories
    = 0.238846 cals
    = 6.24151e+018 ElectronVolt
    = 1e+007 erg
    = 1e+007 ergs
    = 6.24151e+018 eV
    = 1e-009 GJ
    = 1 J
    = 1 Joule
    = 1 joule
    = 1 Joules
    = 1 joules
    = 0.000238846 kcal
    = 0.000238846 kcals
    = 0.001 kJ
    = 1e-006 MJ
    = 1000 mJ



1 kg m / s^2
    = 100000 dyne
    = 100000 dynes
    = 0.101972 kgf
    = 0.000224809 kip
    = 0.000224809 kips
    = 0.001 kN
    = 0.224809 lb
    = 0.224809 lbf
    = 0.224809 lbs
    = 1e-006 MN
    = 1 N
    = 1 Newton
    = 1 newton
    = 1 Newtons
    = 1 newtons
    = 3.59694 ounce
    = 3.59694 ounces
    = 3.59694 oz
    = 3.59694 ozf
    = 0.224809 pound
    = 0.224809 pounds



1 / s
    = 1 Becquerel
    = 1 becquerel
    = 1 Bq
    = 3.7e+010 Curie
    = 3.7e+010 curie
    = 1e-009 GBq
    = 1e-009 GHz
    = 1 Hertz
    = 1 Hz
    = 1 hz
    = 0.001 kBq
    = 0.001 kHz
    = 1e-006 MBq
    = 1e-006 MHz



1 m
    = 1e+010 angstrom
    = 100 centimeter
    = 100 centimeters
    = 100 cm
    = 2.18722 cubit
    = 2.18722 cubits
    = 0.546807 fathom
    = 0.546807 fathoms
    = 3.28084 feet
    = 3.28084 foot
    = 3.28084 ft
    = 39.3701 in
    = 39.3701 inch
    = 39.3701 inches
    = 0.001 kilometer
    = 0.001 kilometers
    = 0.001 km
    = 1.65076e+006 KrWavelength
    = 0.000179986 league
    = 1.05702e-016 lightyear
    = 1.05702e-016 lightyears
    = 1 m
    = 1 meter
    = 1 meters
    = 0.000621371 mi
    = 1e+006 micron
    = 1e+006 microns
    = 39370.1 mil
    = 0.000621371 mile
    = 0.000621371 miles
    = 1000 millimeter
    = 1000 millimeters
    = 1000 mm
    = 1e+009 nanometer
    = 1e+009 nanometers
    = 0.000179986 NauticalMile
    = 1e+009 nm
    = 0.000179986 Nmile
    = 1.09361 yard
    = 1.09361 yards
    = 1.09361 yd


Magnetic Field Strength

1 C / s m
    = 0.0125664 Oe
    = 0.0125664 oersted
    = 0.0125664 oersteds


Magnetic Flux

1 kg m^2 / s C
    = 1e+008 Maxwell
    = 1e+008 maxwell
    = 1e+008 Maxwells
    = 1e+008 maxwells
    = 1 Wb
    = 1 Weber
    = 1 weber
    = 1 Webers
    = 1 webers


Magnetic Flux Density

1 kg / s C
    = 10000 Gauss
    = 10000 gauss
    = 10000 Gausses
    = 10000 gausses
    = 1000 mT
    = 1 Tesla
    = 1 tesla
    = 1 Teslas
    = 1 teslas



1 kg
    = 5000 carat
    = 5000 carats
    = 1000 g
    = 15432.4 grain
    = 15432.4 grains
    = 1000 gram
    = 1000 grams
    = 1 kg
    = 1 kilogram
    = 1 kilograms
    = 2.20462 lbm
    = 0.001 Mg
    = 1e+006 mg
    = 1e+006 milligram
    = 1e+006 milligrams
    = 35.274 ozm
    = 0.0685218 slug
    = 0.0685218 slugs
    = 0.157473 stone
    = 0.157473 stones
    = 0.000984207 ton
    = 0.001 tonne
    = 0.000984207 tons



1 mol
    = 0.001 kmol
    = 1 mol
    = 1 mole
    = 1 moles



1 kg m^2 / s^3
    = 1e-009 GW
    = 0.00134102 horsepower
    = 0.00134102 hp
    = 0.001 kiloWatt
    = 0.001 kiloWatts
    = 0.001 kW
    = 1e-006 MW
    = 1000 mW
    = 1 W
    = 1 Watt
    = 1 watt
    = 1 Watts
    = 1 watts



1 kg / s^2 m
    = 9.86923e-006 atm
    = 9.86923e-006 atmosphere
    = 1e-005 bar
    = 1e-005 bars
    = 0.000750062 cmHg
    = 0.0101974 cmWater
    = 1e-009 GPa
    = 1e-009 Gpa
    = 1.45038e-013 Gpsi
    = 0.000296134 inHg
    = 0.00401865 inWater
    = 0.001 kPa
    = 0.001 kpa
    = 1.45038e-007 ksi
    = 0.01 millibar
    = 0.01 millibars
    = 0.00750062 mmHg
    = 1e-006 MPa
    = 1e-006 Mpa
    = 1000 mPa
    = 1000 mpa
    = 1.45038e-010 Mpsi
    = 1 Pa
    = 1 Pascal
    = 1 Pascals
    = 0.0208854 psf
    = 0.000145038 psi
    = 0.00750062 Torr
    = 0.00750062 torr
    = 0.00750062 Torrs
    = 0.00750062 torrs



1 degK
    = -272.15 degC
    = 1 degCdiff
    = -457.87 degF
    = 1.8 degFdiff
    = 1 degK
    = 1 degKdiff
    = 1.8 degR
    = 1.8 degRdiff



1 s
    = 1.15741e-005 day
    = 1.15741e-005 days
    = 0.000277778 hour
    = 0.000277778 hours
    = 0.000277778 hr
    = 1000 millisecond
    = 1000 milliseconds
    = 0.0166667 min
    = 0.0166667 minute
    = 0.0166667 minutes
    = 1000 ms
    = 1000 msec
    = 1 s
    = 1 sec
    = 1 second
    = 1 seconds
    = 1.65344e-006 week
    = 1.65344e-006 weeks
    = 3.16888e-008 year
    = 3.16888e-008 years
    = 3.16888e-008 yr



1 m / s
    = 196.85 fpm
    = 3.28084 fps
    = 1.94384 knot
    = 1.94384 knots
    = 3.6 kph
    = 2.23694 mph


Viscosity - Dynamic

1 kg / s m
    = 1000 centipoise
    = 1000 centipoises
    = 1000 cp
    = 10000 millipoise
    = 10000 millipoises
    = 10 poise
    = 10 poises
    = 1 poiseuille
    = 1 poiseuilles
    = 0.000145038 reyn
    = 0.000145038 reynold


Viscosity - Kinematic

1 m^2 / s
    = 1e+006 centistoke
    = 1e+006 centistokes
    = 10 stoke
    = 10 stokes



1 m^3
    = 6.28981 barrel
    = 6.28981 barrels
    = 423.776 boardfoot
    = 28.3776 bushel
    = 28.3776 bushels
    = 1e+006 cc
    = 0.275896 cord
    = 0.275896 cords
    = 4226.75 cup
    = 4226.75 cups
    = 33814 fluidounce
    = 33814 fluidounces
    = 264.172 gal
    = 264.172 gallon
    = 264.172 gallons
    = 1000 L
    = 1000 l
    = 1000 liter
    = 1000 liters
    = 1e+006 milliliter
    = 1e+006 milliliters
    = 1e+006 mL
    = 1e+006 ml
    = 113.51 peck
    = 113.51 pecks
    = 2113.38 pint
    = 2113.38 pints
    = 1056.69 quart
    = 1056.69 quarts
    = 1 stere
    = 67628 Tablespoon
    = 67628 tablespoon
    = 67628 Tablespoons
    = 67628 tablespoons
    = 67628 Tbs
    = 202884 teaspoon
    = 202884 teaspoons
    = 202884 tsp
