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Numerical Methods for Unconstrained Optimization and Nonlinear Equations

by J. E. Dennis and Robert B. Schnabel
Classics in Applied Mathematics, SIAM, Philadelphia, 1996

Amazon says:

This book has become the standard for a complete, state-of-the-art description of the methods for unconstrained optimization and systems of nonlinear equations. Originally published in 1983, it provides information needed to understand both the theory and the practice of these methods and provides pseudocode for the problems. The algorithms covered are all based on Newton's method or "quasi-Newton" methods, and the heart of the book is the material on computational methods for multidimensional unconstrained optimization and nonlinear equation problems. The republication of this book by SIAM is driven by a continuing demand for specific and sound advice on how to solve real problems.

About the Author(s):

J. E. Dennis   John was the founder and editor-in-chief of the SIAM Journal on Optimization and co-editor of the Journal of Mathematical Programming, as well as an advisory editor of Mathematics of Operations Research. He has served as chair of the Mathematical Programming Society, chair of the SIAM Activity Group for Optimization, vice chair of the ACM Special Interest Group for Numerical Mathematics, and served two terms on the Council of SIAM. He has also been a Fulbright lecturer to Argentina and given many featured invited addresses at international conferences.
At Rice University, John is currently chair of the Department of Computational and Applied Mathematics (CAAM), and he is a former chair of the Department of Computer Science (CS). He has directed 32 Ph.D. theses, with his students now holding positions in industry, government, and academic departments of business, mathematics, computer science, and applied mathematics. John is also the chair of the CRPC Optimization Project.

Robert B. Schnabel   Dr. Schnabel is a Professor of Computer Science and Vice Provost for Academic and Campus Technology at the University of Colorado at Boulder. His research interests include numerical computation including numerical solution of unconstrained and constrained optimization problems, solution of systems of nonlinear equations, and nonlinear least squares; Parallel and distributed computation including parallel numerical languages and tools, and parallel algorithms; Applications of optimization to molecular chemistry; Diversifying participation in computing and information technology education and workforce.

Authors' Homepages:   J. E. Dennis   Robert B. Schnabel  

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