
DimensionEngine is the only online calculator for doing units conversion AND dimensional calculations. All needed unit conversions are performed automatically. Mix metric and English units. Easily convert length, mass, energy, temperature, area, and virtually all other engineering units. Save time and avoid mistakes. The quickest and easiest way to do engineering homework.


  • Navigate with the INPUT and OUTPUT tabs below, not the Browser forward and back buttons.
  • First, click on INPUT.
  • Enter one or more input units on separate lines. To convert units, follow the input with a semicolon and the units you want.
  • Assign variables with = and use them in equations.
  • Click the CALCULATE button..
  • Results appears under OUTPUT.
  • Errors? Edit INPUT and Re-submit.


For more help, click on the EXAMPLES tab or try either of the QuickStart guides: 20 Sec or 5 Min .

Experienced Users: Click to hide instructions.

© DimensionEngine 2013