Support DimensionEngine

We created the DimensionEngine calculators and Excel Add-Ins because we find them useful in our day jobs.  We use them all the time.  

We thought others might find them useful too, so we created this web site.  There are other science and engineering calculators out there, some costing hundreds of dollars, but we think ours are better.  And they're free!  

Well, sort of.  For years we've paid the costs of creating and maintaining DimensionEngine ourselves.  We don't want to bother with the hassle of selling software and services.  But if you find our products useful and would like to see us continue to maintain and improve them, please consider supporting us.  The more support we get, the better DimensionEngine and our Add-Ins will become.

Thank you!

The DimensionEngine Team

Support Level

© DimensionEngine 2015.   For questions or bug reports, email us.